Reviews, Discussions, and Interviews.

"Poignant moments abound... an incredibly riveting documentary." - Clinton Stark "A cautionary documentary that demands a wide audience...Highly recommended" - J.B Spins "An infinitely sad, thought-provoking and oddly inspiring story of Budd Dwyer" - James van Maanen - “Honest Man builds its case meticulously, bringing to mind Errol Morris' best work.” - Kurt Dahlke - “It is a fitting tribute to a man who deserves better. Watch it, and change your mind.“ - J.Hurtado - "One has to wonder if the really asking the audience to sit in judgment of our political system." - Robert Ovetz "Honest Man should help the public realize that there was more to Budd Dwyer than his infamous suicide." - Randy Miller - DVDTalk.comAdditional ReviewsShawn NessVaried CelluloidMovies with AbeM.Faust - ArtvoiceChristine N. Ziemba - Paste Magazine
IMDb - Honest ManBudd Dwyer DiscussionThe Documentary Blog - Honest Man in LAWICU - "Honest Man" Film at Mercyhurst CollegePennLive - Filmmaker on Dwyer: Guilty as Charged?The Daily Beast - Why Do People Broadcast Their Deaths?The Campus - Documentary reexamines Budd Dwyer CaseMeadville Tribune - Dwyer Doc to Have California PremiereHonest Man will leave auidence reflecting on US legal systemPolit-Drama in Pennsylvania: Selbstmord vor laufenden KamerasCulver City Patch - Indie Film Tells Backstory of Treasurer SuicideDelco Times - 'Honest Man' Returns the R. Budd Dwyer Saga to HarrisburgMeadville Tribune - Budd Dwyer's Son Pleased with Father's Portrayal in FilmPatriot-News - Pennsylvania Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer's Death Re-examined in New FilmAudio Interviews
WMBS Interview with Joe SalzoneInterview with Sue Henry of WILK RadioLincoln Radio Journal InterviewThe Side Project Freecast InterviewTruthDig InterviewBehind the Mike InterviewInterview with The Bubs' Radio ShowInterviews
MovieMaker Magazine - A Look at the Life of an Honest ManCinema Without Borders - Interview with Honest Man's - Documercials: Nonfiction Filmmakers in Advertising The Campus - Documentary on Dwyer Screens on 24th Anniversary of his DeathVideo
Coverage of the Honest Man screening Harrisburg/